Antarctica New Zealand
Chief Executive
We are delighted to share that Prof Jordy Hendrikx has been recently appointed as the new Chief Executive of Antarctica New Zealand.
Jordy joined Antarctica New Zealand in 2022 as the Chief Scientific Advisor and has been Acting Chief Executive since August 2024. He has been a member of the Antarctic Science Platform leadership team and has represented New Zealand in a range of international fora including COMNAP (Council of Managers of National Antarctic Programs) and ATCM (Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting).
Jordy is internationally recognised as a leading interdisciplinary cryosphere/snow scientist, with publications that span climate change impacts on snow, to avalanche forecasting, hazard mapping, hydrology and decision-making science.
Prior to joining Antarctica New Zealand in 2022, Jordy was the Director of the Snow & Avalanche Laboratory and a Professor in the Department of Earth Sciences at Montana State University. He served as Department Head for Earth Sciences, and as the Director of the Liberal Studies Program. He is also an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Geosciences at UIT, the Arctic University of Norway.
Antarctica New Zealand Board Chair, Leon Grice, had this to say:
“The Board is delighted to appoint Jordy to this role. In an acting capacity for the last six months, he has demonstrated the leadership we need across all functions of our organisation and in the Antarctic community in New Zealand and internationally. Jordy’s experience working from the Antarctic to the Arctic, combined with his scientific background and expertise, means he is well positioned to lead the organisation.”
We wish Jordy the very best as he commences his new role.
Horticulture New Zealand
Chief Executive
The team at Ichor are delighted to share that Kate Scott has been appointed as the new Chief Executive of Horticulture New Zealand (HortNZ).
HortNZ is an industry good organisation that advocates for and represents the interests of New Zealand’s 4,200+ commercial fruit and vegetable growers. Its vision is Oranga kai, oranga tangata, haere ake nei – Healthy food for all, forever.
Kate has been working in agribusiness for over two decades and has significant experience in resource management, environmental policy and planning and stakeholder engagement. Currently, as the Executive Director of environmental consultancy, Landpro (which she co-founded), Kate chairs the New Zealand Rural Leadership Trust and is deputy chair of Thriving Southland. She was a Nuffield scholar in 2018 and was a recipient of the Rabobank Australasian Emerging Leader award last year.
In addition, Kate has completed Harvard Business School’s Leading Professional Services Firms programme and the Institute of Directors’ Governance Development Programme.
HortNZ Chair Barry O’Neil welcomed the appointment and shared the following thoughts: “The calibre of candidates for the CEO role was exceptional. Kate stood out for her energy and ability to not only deliver on our strategy and priorities, but also look for opportunities for wider collaboration. I am confident Kate will navigate the sector’s complexities and be able to unpick and understand the key issues while remaining focused on delivering results that will make a difference for growers and the wider horticulture industry.”
We wish Kate the very best as she commences her new role.
Chief Executive
Ichor Leadership Search are pleased to have facilitated the appointment of Sam McIvor as OSPRI’s new Chief Executive.
Sam is currently Chief Executive of Beef + Lamb New Zealand and the New Zealand Meat Board, a dual role he has held for the past eight years.
Beef + Lamb is a farmer-owned industry body that advocates on behalf of New Zealand’s sheep and beef farmers. The organisation’s international footprint includes offices across Europe and the United States.
With a primary industry career that spans on-farm activity through to processing and retail, Sam’s first chief executive role was at New Zealand Pork, followed by Preston Corp Ltd. He subsequently was Group General Manager – Farm Operations at OSPRI, before returning to Beef + Lamb NZ.
A highly experienced chief executive who has worked at livestock and meat industry bodies, Sam offers a history of strong performance across various facets of our productive sector.
Sam is passionate about OSPRI’s role, supporting and safeguarding New Zealand’s primary sector economy and export markets, through robust animal disease management and traceability.
He is looking forward to working closely with OSPRI’s Board, shareholders, and staff to shape the organisation’s future. We wish Sam well as he commences his new role.
Racing Integrity Board (RIB)
Chief Executive
Ichor is delighted to announce the appointment of Dr Eliot Forbes as the new Chief Executive of the Racing Integrity Board.
As a qualified veterinarian, Eliot has amassed over 25 years’ experience in racing administration, in a career that has spanned Australia, Asia, and the Middle East.
Earlier in his career, Eliot served as the Veterinary Steward for the Emirates Racing Authority, where he had oversight of the welfare and equine integrity arrangements for six Dubai World Cups.
In 2010, he returned to Australia and over a six-year period led TasRacing, a state-owned company that operated across all codes. Starting out as its Chief Operating Officer, Eliot was subsequently promoted to Chief Executive in 2012.
Following TasRacing, Eliot was appointed Chief Executive of Racing Queensland in 2016. During this period, he delivered significant financial turnarounds for both state racing authorities.
Subsequently, Eliot successfully launched an agricultural start-up, AniMark Ltd, which specialised in the formulation and monitoring of animal welfare standards and livestock traceability.
Since 2021, he has been the Chief Executive of another start-up, RACELAB, a wagering technology business that provides turnkey software solutions and data products to wagering operators.
Eliot’s contribution to the racing industry outside of his substantive roles includes serving on the Boards of Racing Australia (RA) and Greyhounds Australasia, as well as Chairing RA’s Retirement of Racehorses Committee.
He was also a member of the national Veterinary and Analyst committees for each of the three codes of Australian racing and a member of Harness Racing Australia’s Standardbred Welfare Advisory Group.
Since 2016, Eliot has been a Steering Committee member of the International Forum for the Aftercare of Racehorses (IFAR), and also chairs the IFAR Conference Committee.
We congratulate Eliot on his appointment.
Registered Master Builders Association (RMBA)
Chief Executive
We are pleased to announce Ankit Sharma’s appointment as the new Chief Executive for the Registered Master Builders Association. Ankit, who has been the organisation’s Chief Operating Officer and recently, Acting Chief Executive, was appointed following a robust search that produced a strong group of shortlisted candidates for the Board to consider.
Ichor originally led the search that saw Ankit appointed as Master Builder’s Chief Operating Officer in 2022. He held accountability for operational delivery, the Membership Services function, and Master Build Services (MBS), the organisation’s guarantee business.
Prior to joining RMBA, Ankit spent four-and-a-half years at Todd Corporation working through three executive roles. His most recent position was as Chief Executive of Todd Digital, where he provided leadership of a new digital venture, focused on developing digital products and services, and a portfolio of technology investments for Todd.
Ankit’s earlier background was largely spent in the technology and commercial sphere. This included six years with Telecom New Zealand International as Head of International Operations and Chief Architect, before joining Todd Corporation in 2013.
Combining his knowledge of Master Builders members and key stakeholders, with his leadership background and drive for innovation, Ankit is ideally placed to lead RMBA into the future.
We wish him the very best as he takes on the role of Chief Executive with immediate effect.
Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington
Deputy Vice-Chancellor – Students
We are delighted to announce the recent appointment of Dr Logan Bannister as the new Deputy Vice-Chancellor – Students of Te Herenga Waka – Victoria University of Wellington (VUW). This appointment was the result of a trans-Tasman search effort in collaboration with our Kestria partner firm, The Insight Group, based in Melbourne.
Reporting to the Vice-Chancellor, the DVC – Students is a newly created role that will champion the development and implementation of strategies that attract, grow, and retain student numbers, with a focus on scholarships, experience, wellbeing, and learning support.
Logan was previously the Director – Student Services and Experience at Te Pūkenga NZ Institute of Skills & Technology | Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology. Responsible for leading the Student Services portfolio of 200 staff across five major sites, Logan drove the 5-year build of a new Student Support/Experience model that involved integrating new systems and processes. This model has been recognised as an exemplar by the sector.
Prior to this, Logan was the National Manager: Student Services at Te Wānanga o Aotearoa. During this period, she led the successful design, consultation and implementation of a major, national support model for students.
The thesis that Logan undertook in pursuit of her PhD in Education was titled ‘Factors Affecting the Retention of Adult and Adult Indigenous Students’, and underscores her research interests in an area that will be central to her new role at VUW.
Finally, Logan’s tertiary sector leadership experience coupled with a strong understanding of student life cycle and services will be invaluable as the University works tirelessly to attract future student cohorts.
Congratulations Logan!
Ministry of Justice
Deputy Secretary – Corporate & Digital Services
The team at Ichor is excited to announce the appointment of Kelvin Watson to the role of Deputy Secretary – Corporate & Digital Services at the Ministry of Justice.
Kelvin recently supported the former Director-General of Health, the former Prime Minister, and other relevant Ministers, by leading critical elements of Aotearoa’s Covid-19 public health response.
His mahi included leading the development of New Zealand’s immunisation framework, sourcing and distribution of critical medical supplies for the country, as well as helping develop, implement, and manage the COVID testing regime and laboratory network.
Previously, Kelvin spent six years at Stats NZ in various second tier roles, and acted as Chief Executive on several occasions. As the Deputy Chief Executive – Organisational Capability, Kelvin led 250 staff across Finance, People & Culture, ICT, Legal, Strategy & Planning, Risk, Procurement and Property.
Prior to this, Kelvin managed the corporate and clinical support functions for the Capital & Coast DHB. As the Executive Director – Clinical and Corporate Support Services, Kelvin led over 1,000 staff across four sites. His portfolio included People and Culture, ICT, Finance, Property, Security and Procurement as well as having broader operational accountabilities. During the latter part of his tenure, Kelvin concurrently acted as CIO of the 3DHB network, incorporating the Capital and Coast, Hutt Valley and Wairarapa DHBs.
His earlier career was spent at NZ Post where he led the development of a 10-year strategic roadmap for postal operations and co-led the implementation of a new culture across the Network business of 5,000 people.
Kelvin’s credibility is reflected both in his career leading corporate functions and experience driving strategy development and digital enablement across complex commercial and public service settings.
We wish Kelvin the very best as he commences in his new role.
Waka Kotahi New Zealand Transport Agency
Director of Land Transport and Group General Manager Regulatory
Ichor is delighted to announce the appointment of Brent Alderton as the new Director of Land Transport and Group General Manager Regulatory at Waka Kotahi New Zealand Transport Agency.
Brent’s most recent role was Chief Executive of Mary Potter Hospice. Over a four-year tenure, Brent restructured the volunteer-staffed Hospice stores to support the improvement of the financial health of the organisation, through development of commercial rental accommodation. He also collaborated with Iwi and community leaders to support improved access to hospice services for Māori and Pacific peoples.
Prior to this, Brent spent nine years at the Commerce Commission. He initially joined the independent Crown entity in 2008 and was appointed General Manager – Regulation the following year. In this role, Brent led 70 staff who managed the Commission’s regulatory activities across electricity, gas, international airports, and telecommunications. In 2011, Brent was appointed as the Commission’s Chief Executive.
As CE, Brent spent seven years leading the Commission’s efforts to foster a more professional, supportive, and engaged culture. He did this whilst driving the organisation’s evolution towards modern, effective, regulatory best practice. During this tenure, collaboration with organisations such as the Financial Markets Authority, Electricity Authority, Reserve Bank of New Zealand and Australian regulators also improved.
Brent’s earlier career included time spent in corporate finance, corporate strategy and policy leadership roles at organisations such as Deloitte, the Electricity Corporation and The Treasury. His credibility is mirrored through his broad leadership experience that traverses government, commercial and NGO sectors, along with his understanding of modern regulatory practice.
Congratulations Brent, on your appointment.
Maritime New Zealand
Deputy Chief Executive – Chief Executive Office, People, Capability and Culture
Ichor Leadership Search is pleased to announce the appointment of Esther Livingston to the role of Deputy Chief Executive – Chief Executive Office, People, Capability and Culture for Maritime New Zealand, where she will be a member of Kirstie Hewlett’s executive leadership team.
Previously, as the Head of People and Culture at Wētā Workshop, Esther was responsible for people strategy and led an organisation-wide programme designed to improve employee experience, grow leadership capability, and enable cultural change.
Prior to this, Esther was a member of Callaghan Innovation’s executive leadership team from 2013 to 2020. During this period, she held two roles. The first was General Manager – People and Capability, which saw Esther lead the delivery of human resources initiatives spanning employee experience, internal communications, health, safety and wellbeing. In 2020, Esther took on her second executive leadership role, as Chief Operating Officer – Internal Partnering. In this role, she was involved in the redesign of operating and business models, as well as enabling the Crown entity’s transition to an agile innovation agency. In addition to leading services such as Governance Engagement, Esther also spearheaded Callaghan’s COVID-19 response.
Esther’s early career included several years as an academic and a period within the financial services sector, before gaining exposure to the people and culture sphere. After consolidating her people leadership credentials through senior roles in the information technology sector, Esther spent a decade consulting under her own boutique brand, which assisted with people and change initiatives for public and private sector organisations, as well as not-for-profit clients.
Subsequently, Esther transitioned to the Crown Research Institute, Environmental Science and Research (ESR) where she spent 18 months as the General Manager – Human Resources, before joining Callaghan Innovation in 2013.
Ichor congratulates Esther on her appointment and wishes her all the best.
Pharmaceutical Society of New Zealand
Chief Executive
The team at Ichor is delighted to have been involved in the recent appointment of Helen Morgan-Banda as the new Chief Executive of the Pharmaceutical Society of New Zealand
Helen’s early career has seen her work with a range of diverse organisations. She was a senior advisor in the Prime Minister’s office, held communication and corporate affairs leadership roles at NZ Lotteries, Victoria University of Wellington and ANZ Bank, and has been a Director on the Boards of two health information technology companies.
More notably, Helen has led two of Aotearoa’s largest professional membership organisations. The first being CE of the Royal NZ College of GPs in 2012, where she spent six years leading the peak body with a membership base of approximately 5,000 at the time. Her achievements during this period included developing and delivering a new five-pillar strategy, covering health equity, leadership, membership, quality and learning.
Moving to the Law Society in early 2019, Helen made history as the first non-lawyer CE to be appointed in the Society’s 150-year history. Representing over 15,000 lawyers, Helen’s mandate was to reposition the Law Society as a fit-for-purpose regulator and professional membership body. Under Helen’s leadership, the Society reached many milestones, including the signing of a historic MoU with the Māori Law Society and an extensive reputation management programme to restore the Society’s mana and professional image.
Helen’s credibility is reflected in both her career and personal passion for the health sector.
We wish Helen all the very best as she officially takes over as Chief Executive.
Ministry for Primary Industries
Deputy Director-General, Te Uru Rākau - New Zealand Forest Service
We are delighted to announce the appointment of Sam Keenan to the position of Deputy Director-General, Te Uru Rākau – New Zealand Forest Service at the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI).
Having been part of Te Uru Rākau since its inception, Sam has developed a strong understanding of Te Uru Rākau’s objectives that include climate change, working with Māori on land development opportunities, industry transformation, native planting, One Billion Trees, forestry and wood processing, and workforce development.
As the previous General Manager of Crown Forestry, Sam led a team of eight direct reports overseeing circa 200 contractors who worked across Crown Forestry properties. Leading his team to enter into 41 new forestry joint ventures with a range of primarily Māori landowners, Sam was able to oversee the successful plantation of 20,000ha of commercial forest between 2018 and 2022.
Sam has 13 years’ experience within MPI, eight of which are with Crown Forestry. Sam’s earlier career was spent working in the commercial forestry sector across both New Zealand and Australia.
Congratulations on your new role, Sam.
Te Āhuru Mōwai
Chief Operating Officer | Kaiwhakahaere Rauemi
Ichor is thrilled to announce the appointment of Trudy Englebreston to the role of Chief Operating Officer | Kaiwhakahaere Rauemi at Te Āhuru Mōwai.
As New Zealand’s largest iwi-led community housing provider, Te Āhuru Mōwai manages and cares for circa 1,000 homes in the Porirua region, providing tenancies for people on lower incomes with social support needs.
As Chief Operating Officer | Kaiwhakahaere Rauemi, Trudy will oversee Relationship and Tenancy Management, Property and Community Partnerships and Engagement functions.
Trudy was most recently General Manager – Change at Massey University. In this role, she was responsible for leading a multi-faceted change project, inclusive of a significant shift in equity and access for Māori and Pasifika students and associations.
Prior to this, Trudy was the General Manager of a major community recreational sports facility, Fraser Park Sportsville. In this role she had overall project leadership of the community facility, from concept to project completion, with assets worth circa $18m.
Congratulations, Trudy!
Wood Processors & Manufacturers Association of New Zealand
Chief Executive
We are pleased to announce the appointment of Mark Ross to the position of Chief Executive, Wood Processors & Manufacturers Association of New Zealand (WPMA).
As the previous Chief Executive of the Animal and Plant Health Association of New Zealand (formerly Agcarm), Mark provided overall leadership of the membership organisation delivering value to its 86-plus corporate members.
Prior to this, Mark was the General Manager – Policy and Advocacy for Federated Farmers where he led a team of 30 policy, legal and technical staff across New Zealand to address policy issues affecting the farming sector.
In his earlier career at the Ministry for Primary Industries, Mark gained hands-on experience working within the forestry sector and in field research through his roles in forestry quarantine, forest health and biosecurity.
Mark’s leadership experience within industry associations, supported by his knowledge of the primary sector, will be valuable for WPMA’s next phase of growth.
Ministry of Transport
Deputy Chief Executive – System Performance & Governance
Ichor is delighted to announce the appointment of David Wood as the new Deputy Chief Executive – System Performance & Governance for the Ministry of Transport.
As the former Acting Deputy Chief Executive – People and Operations Group at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, David led over 300 staff with responsibility for the People, Finance, Technology, Security and Organisational Resilience, Asset Management, Commercial Operations, and Portfolio Management functions.
David’s varied early career included a decade within the Ministry of Education where he advised on governance matters, as well as playing a leading role in education investments, across five budget cycles. Subsequently, David spent over 10 years at The Treasury, where his career encompassed several senior advisory and leadership roles, including serving overseas as the Economic Counsellor to New Zealand’s Permanent Delegation at the OECD, before eventually taking on the role of Deputy Secretary.
As an independent consultant, David took on contracting roles including serving as the Acting Chief Executive of a health-sector organisation. Following this, he spent over three years at Auckland Council, where he was responsible for monitoring the performance of, and managing relationships with, large and complex Council-Controlled Organisations including Auckland Transport and Ports of Auckland.
Congratulations David, on your appointment.
General Manager - Consultancy Services
Ichor is pleased to announce the appointment of Martin Gordon as the new General Manager – Consultancy Services at BRANZ. Martin will lead a specialist team focused on building value for the organisation’s clients and the wider industry.
Martin’s previous role was General Manager – Strategy, Product and Consulting at Todd Digital, a technology start-up focussed on developing digital products and services for New Zealand and international markets. Martin was responsible for developing the company business strategy and objectives for current and future products and consulting services. He was also responsible for managing the commercial relationships with external suppliers and partners.
Prior to this, Martin had a 12-plus year career with Assurity Consulting, where he held various leadership roles including National Service Manager, Head of Technical Services and Principal Consultant.
Martin’s commercial track record, experience leading technical teams and ability to improve processes and systems that support revenue growth, will be valuable for BRANZ’s next chapter.
Congratulations on your appointment, Martin.
Office of the Auditor-General
Deputy Controller and Auditor-General
We are very pleased to announce the appointment of Andrew McConnell (Ngāti Porou – Te Whanau a Hinerupe) to the position of Deputy Controller and Auditor-General at the Office of the Auditor-General (OAG).
At the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI), where Andrew was prior to being appointed, he held several roles. Most recently, he was Acting Deputy Director-General – Te Uru Rākau / New Zealand Forest Service. Previously, he was Deputy Director-General – Compliance and Governance and prior to this, Director – Māori Agribusiness. Along with accountabilities for Strategy, Governance, Legal Services, Audit and Risk, Treaty Partnerships and Māori Capability functions, Andrew played an important role helping lead the Ministry’s COVID-19 Response.
Andrew has worked at the OAG previously from 2000 to 2010, when his Sector Manager roles covered areas such as Māori Affairs and Government Administration, as well as the Parliamentary Group.
Following this, he then spent five years at the Ministry of Justice holding a number of roles including Chief Advisor to the CE, before taking on a General Manager role at the Department of Internal Affairs as General Manager – Ministerial Services. In 2018, he joined MPI and subsequently moved into executive leadership roles with a range of pan-organisational and pan-sector responsibilities.
Andrew’s credibility is reflected in his broad career that traverses the three arms of government as well as his strategic, policy, operational and assurance background.
Tēnā koe mo to mahi hou, Andrew.
Royal Society Te Apārangi
Director – External Engagement
We are pleased to announce the appointment of Tara Satyanand as the new Director – External Engagement at the Royal Society Te Apārangi.
Tara was most recently the Head of Research of Cure Kids, a not-for-profit funder of paediatric health research. As a member of the executive team, Tara engaged with government, other research institutions, Māori organisations and corporates to develop innovative partnerships to support funding across priority health areas. During her first two years within the organisation, Tara also held the dual role of General Manager for Cure Kids’ Fijian subsidiary, before appointing a Head of Operations.
Prior to this, Tara was the Head of Medical Affairs (NZ) of the NZ-based subsidiary of a leading influenza vaccine company, CSL Seqirus. Over a two-year period, she led medical education, product training, pharmacovigilance, quality assurance and audits, medical information, and regulatory licensing, while providing medical governance across all of the subsidiary’s activities including market access, sales and marketing, communications, government relations and commercial negotiations.
Tara’s international experience includes six years spent working for the global pharma firm, GlaxoSmithKline, in various capacities including as Scientific Advisor of the Global Pandemic Centre in London, Medical Affairs Manager for the Vaccines division in Auckland, and culminating as Senior Manager – Medical Affairs in Belgium.
Earlier in her career, Tara held senior editorial roles with the renowned medical journal, The Lancet and also worked for a period as a freelance editor for the World Health Organization.
Tara’s overlapping commercial and science background coupled with her recent leadership experience within the not-for-profit sector will be valuable for the Society’s next phase of development.
Congratulations Tara!
Bragato Research Institute
General Manager – Research and Innovation
We are delighted to announce the appointment of Dr Jacquie Harper to the newly created General Manager – Research and Innovation role at the Bragato Research Institute.
Jacquie has led research and science evaluation across a range of disciplines, including biomedicine, chemistry and engineering, working across universities, Crown Research Institutes (CRIs), and independent research organisations.
Previously, as Chief Scientist of Overseer, Jacquie led the organisation’s science strategy and was a member of the executive leadership team. During her tenure at Overseer, Jacquie established a more broad-based sector network and initiated cross-sector collaborations that cover universities, other CRIs, industry bodies and government.
Jacquie’s leadership career began in 2000 as the Intellectual Property and Commercial Contracts Manager for Malaghan Institute of Medical Research. There she oversaw R&D investment, alongside innovation and commercial opportunities. Jacquie was elevated to the role of Research Group Leader and subsequently became a member of Malaghan’s executive leadership team.
She subsequently became Head of Research at Weltec and Whitireia in 2015. Leading up to 400 research staff members, Jacquie was responsible for the development and implementation of cross-organisational applied research strategies across two institutions.
Moving to the Building Research Association of New Zealand (BRANZ) in 2017, Jacquie led the researcher collaborative development and leadership initiative, consisting of circa 50 BRANZ staff, including an internal research advisory group.
Jacquie’s broad-based networks, deep research and executive leadership experience will be valuable for Bragato’s next phase of development.
Congratulations Jacquie!
Ministry of Justice
General Manager - Property
We are pleased to announce the appointment of Jerome Sheppard as the new General Manager – Property for the Ministry of Justice (MoJ).
MoJ has one of the largest property portfolios in the public sector, with over 90 courts and office buildings across 58 towns and cities. This role will provide strategic leadership and delivery management of the Ministry’s property strategy and services, procurement and contracts, health and safety and support services.
Having led two of New Zealand’s largest property portfolio’s previously, Jerome offers a deep and credible leadership background within the public sector traversing property and wider infrastructure related matters.
Finishing his most recent role as Deputy Chief Executive – Crown Property at Land Information New Zealand, Jerome led a property portfolio which covered 5.5% of New Zealand’s land, and managed the $1 billion Landbank portfolio used for treaty settlement purposes.
Prior to this, Jerome had a longstanding career at the Ministry of Education where he helped establish the capital works programme, and obtained approval for school property business cases, including the Christchurch Schools renewal programme. Overseeing a team of 500 staff, Jerome led all aspects of property from creating building standards through to delivery and policy.
Sitting on various governance groups, Jerome currently supports the Ministry of Culture and Heritage with the restoration of the Carillion Tower, and also the Department of Internal Affairs Tāhuhu programme building a new $750 million archive facility.
Congratulations Jerome on your appointment.
Halberg Foundation
Chief Executive
Ichor Leadership Search is pleased to announce the appointment of Tom Smith as the Halberg Foundation’s new Chief Executive.
Tom’s passion for the mahi of the Foundation is reflected by a career that has been largely spent at the interface of the sports and disability sectors.
Currently National Grants Manager at The Lion Foundation, Tom leads a team that assesses applications for $38 million of community investment into New Zealand charities each year.
Emigrating to New Zealand in 2018 with his young family, Tom’s first role in Aotearoa was as Chief Executive of Parafed Auckland, one of New Zealand’s oldest and largest disability sport organisations.
Tom’s UK-based career evolved from disability and Paralympic sports management, supporting clubs and organisations to increase opportunities for participation.
He then took on national roles within the sector, working on the 2012 Paralympics with Special Olympics Great Britain, before joining Sport England as Senior Manager Disability and the England & Wales Cricket Board as their National Growth Manager – Disability.
We congratulate Tom on this appointment.
Chief Executive
We are delighted to have led the search that resulted in the appointment of InternetNZ | Ipurangi Aotearoa‘s new Chief Executive, Vivien Maidaborn.
Vivien brings a deep and credible leadership background that includes three previous chief executive roles. Her experience extends across digital innovation, international development, start-up technology, community development, and partnership.
Starting out with leadership roles in the health sector, Vivien’s first chief executive role was leading the not-for-profit organisation that provided skilled counselling and education services, Relationships Aotearoa. She then transitioned to her second chief executive role at CCS Disability Action, the largest pan-disability support and advocacy organisation in New Zealand .
Following this, Vivien co-founded Loomio, a tech start-up that created an online collaboration tool, which is now utilised worldwide.
Subsequently, she was appointed the Executive Director for UNICEF New Zealand. Leading 50 staff, Vivien advocated for a strong bicultural approach to leadership within the organisation, which included rebranding the organisation from UNICEF New Zealand to UNICEF Aotearoa.
Vivien is currently the Chief of Partnerships and Resource Mobilisation at UNICEF Viet Nam, where she supports the country’s management team to create cultural change, while achieving integration between programmes, communications, fundraising and advocacy. Her broad-based networks and deep executive leadership experience will be invaluable for InternetNZ’s next phase of development.
In 2019, Vivien was made a Member of the NZ Order of Merit, for services to human rights and the development of social enterprise in NZ.
We congratulate Vivien on her new role.
New Zealand Red Cross
Director – Office of the Secretary General
The team at Ichor are delighted to announce the appointment of Alexandra (Alex) Pierard to the position of Director – Office of the Secretary General at the New Zealand Red Cross (NZRC).
As the current Director – Global, International Branch at the Ministry of Defence, Alex leads the development of interagency advice to Ministers on defence deployments, diplomacy and international interests around the world.
Prior to this, she spent 14 years within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade analysing and mitigating risks and threats facing New Zealand. During this time, Alex also developed and positioned multiple strategies from a policy perspective, culminating with a role as Senior Policy Officer specialising in Geopolitics and Climate Migration, within the Pacific Regional Division.
Throughout her career, Alex has worked across a range of issues including human rights, macroeconomics, climate change and climate migration, regional development and security.
In transitioning this knowledge to the NZRC, Alex will act as a trusted advisor to the Secretary General, and assist with maintaining oversight of significant issues being managed across the organisation. She will also ensure that the Secretary General’s Office continues to nurture effective and long-lasting relationships with senior leaders across NZRC’s key stakeholders.
We wish Alex the very best as she takes on her new role.
Stats NZ Tatauranga Aotearoa
General Manager – Data System Policy
Ichor is pleased to announce the appointment of Caleb Johnstone to the position of General Manager – Data System Policy at Tatauranga Aotearoa Stats NZ.
In his current role as the Director – Strategy and Policy at Te Arawhiti The Office for Māori Crown Relations, Caleb is responsible for shaping the policy and strategic direction of the Māori-Crown partnership and evaluating policy settings for Treaty settlements and restoration of rights.
Starting his career as a Policy Analyst within the Ministry of Education and the New Zealand Qualifications Authority, Caleb subsequently moved to the United Kingdom for three years where he worked in various local and regional councils.
Upon returning to New Zealand in 2009, Caleb held senior policy roles within the Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment (MBIE) and Callaghan Innovation. His work during this period traversed the then Māori economic development strategy (He Kai Kei Aku Ringa), as well as policy analysis and strategic procurement efforts to deliver the Government Procurement Reform Agenda.
Returning to the Ministry of Education in late 2015, Caleb led a large policy team and the development of the Four-Year Plan for the education sector. He was subsequently enticed back to MBIE where he took on a role as Policy Manager, supporting the establishment phase of (and later transitioning to) the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
With proven strategic capabilities that are underpinned by strong policy credentials, we wish Caleb all the best as he sets out to assist Stats NZ leverage the Government’s use of data for policy making and service delivery across the public sector system and Aotearoa.
Congratulations Caleb!
Department of Conservation Te Papa Atawhai
Deputy Director-General – Public Affairs
Ichor Leadership Search is delighted to announce the appointment of Sia Aston as the Deputy Director-General – Public Affairs at the Department of Conservation Te Papa Atawhai. Sia will be part of DOC’s Executive Leadership Team and work closely with the Director-General, Penny Nelson, to support the organisation’s strategic outcomes.
A seasoned communicator, Sia brings to the role leadership experience in risk and crisis management harnessed from her career that has criss-crossed both the private and public sectors.
Starting out as a political journalist in the early 2000s, Sia spent years producing, writing, and researching news stories that allowed her to build relationships with sitting politicians and officials across parties.
In late 2009, Sia worked as a Senior Ministerial Press Secretary in the office of Paula Bennett, where she led communications on significant policy announcements while also managing media risks that subsequently arose in the 2011 elections. Sia was then offered the plum role of Chief Press Secretary to the Prime Minister John Key in 2014, where she weathered three elections and sharpened her skills in risk management.
After stepping down from this role in 2016, Sia took on her first executive leadership role as General Manager – Communications at the former State Service Commission (now Public Service Commission). Moving then to the private sector briefly, Sia took on the role of Managing Partner with Amanda Millar & Co, a communications firm, where she was a key senior consultant and worked with chief executives on strategic, crisis and reputation matters.
In her most recent role, Sia has been the communications and engagement lead for major health system reforms at the Ministry of Health. A key part of her mandate has been to engage with and influence key stakeholders across the public sector during the creation of the two new entities – Health New Zealand and Māori Health Authority.
We wish Sia the very best as she commences her new role.
Earthquake Commission (EQC)
Chief Strategy Officer
Ichor Leadership Search is pleased to announce the appointment of Lars Piepke as the new Chief Strategy Officer of EQC.
In his current role as Principal Advisor at The Treasury, Lars is the sector lead for the insurance sector and has been the Central Agency’s primary contact for managing the relationship with EQC. Prior to joining The Treasury, Lars spent over 23 years working within the financial services sector across two continents – Africa and Australia / New Zealand.
Starting out as an Equity Analyst at Old Mutual (one of the largest pan-African investment and banking groups in the continent) in the early ’90s, Lars worked with a range of investment and funds management companies in progressively senior leadership roles up to Managing Director until the mid-2000s. At that stage, he had the option to relocate a Johannesburg Stock Exchange-listed financial services company, the Peregrine Group, to Australia. Seizing the opportunity to move to the Antipodes with his family, Lars was subsequently headhunted by another South African-based fund manager, Fairtree Capital, that was seeking to expand its presence in both Australia and New Zealand.
When he spotted an opportunity to join The Treasury in 2017, Lars decided he wanted to test his experience of working within the public sector, and has not looked back since. At EQC, Lars’ prior experience of working closely with the Minister, Board and Executive Leadership Team will be welcomed, as will be his depth of knowledge and awareness of the organisation’s transformational journey and the wider insurance sector.
We wish him the very best as he starts his new role in May 2022.
Te Tūāpapa Kura Kāinga Ministry of Housing and Urban Development
Deputy Chief Executive - System Delivery and Performance
Ichor Leadership Search is delighted to announce the appointment of Ben Dalton (Ngāpuhi and Ngāti Porou) as the Deputy Chief Executive – System Delivery and Performance for Te Tūāpapa Kura Kāinga Ministry of Housing and Urban Development.
Ben is currently the Chief Operating Officer for Kānoa – Regional Economic Development & Investment Unit at the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE). Leading the investment strategy of the unit, Ben has nurtured and been accountable for relationships with the private sector, iwi, local and regional councils, as well as diverse communities.
Prior to joining MBIE, Ben held two key second-tier roles within the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI). During his seven year-tenure at MPI, Ben supported the establishment of the new forestry organisation, focused on the delivery of the One Billion Trees programme. He also managed the front end of the Provincial Growth Fund delivery programme across regional New Zealand.
Earlier on in his career, Ben spent ten years at the Crown Forestry Rental Trust. As Chief Executive of the organisation for four-and-a-half years, Ben dealt with the completion of the Central North Island Settlement which is still the largest treaty settlement to date.
As a dedicated public servant and trusted people leader, Ben’s credibility is reflected through his breadth of experience that traverses the primary sector, Māori trusts and small businesses.
Ka pai, Ben.
Civil Aviation Authority (CAA)
Deputy Chief Executive – Corporate Services
Ichor Leadership Search is pleased to announce the appointment of Mark Davis to the position of Deputy Chief Executive – Corporate Services at CAA.
Mark spent approximately a decade within ACC across his career, in two stints, initially working in analytical roles for four years, before joining the BNZ where he was promoted to Company Secretary. After spending two years in his next role as General Manager – People and Governance at Capital & Coast District Health Board, Mark re-joined ACC as the General Manager – Corporate Services (as a member of the Executive Leadership Team) reporting to the then Chief Executive.
He then joined the New Zealand Defence Force as Chief of Staff to the Chief Information Officer, a role he held for two years. Leading over 300 staff, Mark was accountable for all non-technical areas within what is arguably the largest ‘IT shop’ in New Zealand. He was then approached to join the leadership team at the Retirement Income Group in 2017 before joining EECA in late 2019.
With experience across the private and public sectors, Mark has broadened his leadership scope across banking, investment management, insurance and corporate governance.
We congratulate Mark on this appointment and wish him all the best.
Justice Sector Leadership Board (JSLB)
Executive Director – Sector Directorate
Ichor Leadership Search is excited to announce the appointment of Erin Judge (Ngāti Tūwharetoa) as the Executive Director – Sector Directorate for the Justice Sector Leadership Board (JSLB).
Comprised of Chief Executives from the six core Justice Sector agencies (Ministry of Justice; New Zealand Police; Department of Corrections; Oranga Tamariki; Crown Law Office; and the Serious Fraud Office), the JSLB is committed to an integrated sector approach to deliver accessible justice services and better outcomes for all New Zealanders.
In her substantive role as Oranga Tamariki’s Chief Legal Officer, which she has held since mid-2017, Erin leads a team of over 100 lawyers who are tasked with protecting New Zealand’s most vulnerable children. In May 2021, she was seconded to the Department of Corrections : Ara Poutama Aotearoa as Director – Review and Response, Office of the Inspectorate. This was a temporary role created at the request of the Minister of Corrections to oversee urgent reform of prisons housing wāhine.
As the youngest New Zealander to become a lawyer at age 22, Erin went on to work initially as a Solicitor with the Ministry of Social Development before joining the New Zealand Police as a Prosecutor over a two-year period. She then spent a period in Australia as a Senior Solicitor in Victoria’s Government Solicitor’s Office before re-joining New Zealand Police in the role of National Legal Advisor for the Prosecution Service, which oversaw 200,000 prosecutions annually.
Moving to Crown Law as a Senior Advisor after a four-year stint with Police in 2013, Erin helped establish the Government Legal Network, before joining Oranga Tamariki.
As a proven strategic leader who understands the challenges of the Justice sector, coupled with a commitment to supporting the Crown to be an engaged Tiriti partner, Erin will play a significant role as JSLB’s lead advisor on sector engagement, performance, strategy and investment.
Congratulations Erin!
Rheem New Zealand
General Manager
Ichor is pleased to announce the appointment of Mark McCutcheon as the new General Manager of Rheem New Zealand. Rheem is the market leader in water heating appliances, and has over 53% market share in New Zealand. In this Auckland-based role, Mark will be directly accountable to the Managing Director – Australia and New Zealand who leads the region out of Sydney.
Prior to joining Rheem, Mark was General Manager – Sales and Marketing of Rinnai New Zealand, over an 11-year period. As a member of Rinnai’s executive leadership team, Mark built capability and supported Rinnai’s activities in Australia while developing R&D capability within the New Zealand business. He was also involved in the acquisition of a competing brand and its integration in 2011. In addition, Mark sat on the Global Product Management group for Rinnai Corporation worldwide, an acknowledgement of the value he added to the business at both national and international levels.
Mark’s earlier career included senior marketing leadership roles with two multi-national automobile manufacturers – Jaguar Land Rover and BMW – spanning New Zealand, the UK and Central and Eastern Europe. His final leadership role within the sector was General Manager – Sales and Marketing for BMW New Zealand. Shortly afterwards, Mark joined a specialist wealth management firm, NZ Funds, where he was General Manager over a three year period, before joining Rinnai.
We wish Mark the very best as he commences his new role.
Civil Aviation Authority (CAA)
Deputy Chief Executive – People, Culture and Capability
The team at Ichor is thrilled to announce the appointment of Andrea Cooke to the position of Deputy Chief Executive – People, Culture and Capability at CAA.
Spending over 17 years in a range of operational leadership roles at New Zealand Police, Andrea transitioned to the public sector where she has progressed steadily through various senior human resource and organisational leadership roles. This includes organisations such as the Department of Internal Affairs, Oranga Tamariki and the Ministry for Business, Innovation and Employment.
Throughout her career, Andrea has played a key role in establishing and building capable HR teams and also setting up relevant programmes to support the needs of a wide range of regulatory, policy and operational functions. Working across the system, Andrea has also provided advice to Ministers on pay equity issues within the public sector.
We wish Andrea all the best, as she helps lead CAA into its next phase of development.
Police Credit Union, Te Uniana Whakanama Pirihimana
Chief Executive
Ichor is delighted to announce the appointment of Craig Pomare as the new Chief Executive of the Police Credit Union (PCU). In this role, Craig will be directly accountable to the PCU Board led by the Chair, Lane Todd.
Prior to joining PCU, Craig was the Chief Executive of the Motor Trade Association (MTA), the main automotive industry body in New Zealand, representing over 3,800 businesses that fix, fuel, buy, sell and inspect much of the country’s vehicle fleet. Joining MTA in 2014 as General Manager – Member Services, Craig was quickly promoted to the top job in 2016.
As CE, Craig set up MTA’s eight regions, and allocated staff resources to drive member events and activities, resulting in a five-fold increase in events provided to members. Craig also oversaw the creation of the MTA Toolbox and delivered other services and benefits, helping members resolve their disputes and HR issues.
Craig’s earlier background includes senior leadership roles in the banking and financial services sector and with membership bodies, including Westpac NZ, the Medical Assurance Society and AXA NZ.
We wish Craig all the very best as he commences his new role.
New Zealand Red Cross
General Manager – Engagement and Enterprise
We are excited to confirm the appointment of Shane Chisholm into the role of General Manager – Engagement and Experience at the New Zealand Red Cross (NZRC). Shane will be part of NZRC’s executive leadership team and work closely with the Secretary-General, Sarah (Norm) Stuart-Black.
For the past four years, Shane has been a member of NZRC’s executive leadership team, with responsibility for communications, marketing and fundraising. During this period, through a secondment to the role of Strategy Delivery Manager, Shane also led the development of the NZRC’s Strategy 2030. With a background in the financial sector, Shane has had a professional career that spans the private, public, and not-for-profit sectors.
Prior to joining the NZRC, Shane was responsible for national customer service delivery at Housing New Zealand. He was also the Territorial Public Relations Director responsible for brand management and marketing, as well as all national fundraising programmes for The Salvation Army. Shane brings a broad range of skill and experience including strategy development; communications and marketing; and innovation and change facilitation.
Ichor congratulates Shane on his new role.
New Zealand Red Cross
General Manager – People, Experience and support
Ichor is delighted to announce the appointment of Fiona Ross as the General Manager – People Experience and Support at the New Zealand Red Cross (NZRC). Fiona will be part of NZRC’s executive leadership team and work closely with the Secretary-General, Sarah (Norm) Stuart-Black.
Prior to joining the NZRC, Fiona most recently led the government’s coordinated efforts to address family violence and sexual violence. As Director of the Joint Venture on Family Violence and Sexual Violence (based within the Ministry of Justice), Fiona built a team and established relationships between government and Tangata Whenua, communities and the family violence and sexual violence sectors. This supported the development of New Zealand’s first national strategy to eliminate family violence and sexual violence.
Fiona’s previous experience includes time spent as at the New Zealand Treasury (including as Chief Operating Officer) to build cross agency collaboration, increase investment into social services and develop a policy framework to help generate higher living standards. At the Treasury, Fiona also led activities to develop the culture and capability of the organisation as well as the Treasury’s emergency response and recovery work. Fiona has had many years of experience working on not-for-profit boards, including on issues of sexual violence, disability and women’s participation.
We wish Fiona the very best as she starts in her new role.
New Zealand Red Cross
General Manager – Emergency Management and International
Ichor is pleased to announce the appointment of Sean Stewart as the General Manager – Emergency Management and International at the New Zealand Red Cross (NZRC). Sean will be part of NZRC’s executive leadership team and work closely with the Secretary-General, Sarah (Norm) Stuart-Black.
Sean joins New Zealand Red Cross having proudly served for 34 years in the New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF). He leaves the NZDF as a Navy Captain after having been awarded operational service medals for his contributions in Bougainville, East Timor, Solomon Islands and Middle East peace support and humanitarian operations. Sean’s operational service at sea culminated in the command of the HMNZS Canterbury, and he has also served overseas in Penang (Malaysia) and in Washington DC. He has worked closely with the Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management (now known as the National Emergency Management Agency) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, as well as other agencies involved in emergency management here in New Zealand and in the Pacific.
To complement his professional military studies, Sean has a Master in Business Administration from the University of South Australia and a Master in Innovation and Strategy Management from Salve Regina University, Newport, Rhode Island.
We congratulate Sean on his appointment.
Biosecurity New Zealand, Ministry for Primary Industries
Deputy Director-General
Ichor is delighted to announce the appointment of Stuart Anderson as the Deputy Director-General – Biosecurity New Zealand at the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI). In this role, Stuart will be part of MPI’s executive leadership team and work closely with the Director-General, Ray Smith.
Stuart brings significant experience of MPI’s operating environment to the role, having been with MPI since 2010. During this period, he has held senior positions in Fisheries and Biosecurity, including spending the last year-and-a-half leading the Mycoplasma Bovis directorate.
In this role, Stuart was responsible for the programme to eradicate a cattle disease from New Zealand, in conjunction with industry partners. The position encompassed strategic leadership, stakeholder engagement, service provider oversight, and people leadership. Stuart has also previously represented MPI internationally in forestry and science collaboration.
Earlier, as Director – Fisheries Management, Stuart was accountable for the delivery of regulatory and management functions including providing advice to the Minister of Fisheries on sustainability decisions and maintaining relationships with stakeholders.
In stepping into his new role, Stuart takes the reins from Steve Gilbert, who has been acting in the role for the duration of this search.
We wish Stuart all the very best as he transitions into his new role.
Orchestra Wellington
General Manager
The team at Ichor is excited to announce the appointment of Rebecca (Beckie) Lockhart as the new General Manager of Orchestra Wellington. In this role, Beckie will be directly accountable to the Board led by the Chair, Ray Ahipene-Mercer.
Prior to this, Beckie was the Outreach Coordinator for Chamber Music New Zealand, a role she held for over three years. During this period, she delivered the NZCT Chamber Music Contest, the largest secondary school chamber music contest in New Zealand, which involves 1,500 students each year over 15 districts across Aotearoa.
Beckie’s earlier career includes roles such as working as a Producer for the Wellington LUX Festival Trust, Theatre Awards Trust, and Taupō Winter Festival. Previously, she was also Events Manager within Massey University’s College of Creative Arts.
We wish Beckie all the best in her new role.
Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand
Kaihautū (Deputy Secretary) – Organisational Effectiveness
Ichor is pleased to announce the appointment of Claire Richardson as the Kaihautū / Deputy Secretary – Organisational Effectiveness at Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand. In this role, Claire will be part of LINZ’s executive leadership team and work closely with the Chief Executive, Gaye Searancke.
Prior to joining LINZ, Claire was Chief Operating Officer at the Wellington City Council, where she was accountable for a range of key portfolios including City Housing, Parking Services, Parks, Sport and Recreation, and Arts. Leading circa 1,200 staff, Claire was also the lead on the Council’s Covid-19 response and recovery plan.
Earlier, Claire was the Chief Operating Officer at the Ministry for the Environment, and prior to this spent seven years working at the Auckland Council.
Previously, Claire held a number of project management roles both in New Zealand and Australia and spent the early part of her career working in the international film and television industry.
Congratulation, Claire!
Te Manatū Waka Ministry of Transport
Deputy Chief Executive – System and Regulatory Design
Ichor is delighted to announce the appointment of Bronwyn Turley as the Deputy Chief Executive – System and Regulatory Design at Te Manatū Waka Ministry of Transport (MoT).
In this role Bronwyn will be part of MoT’s executive leadership team and work closely with the Chief Executive, Peter Mersi.
Prior to joining the Ministry, Bronwyn led the Regulatory Effectiveness and Legal Groups at WorkSafe New Zealand, where she also had experience leading the policy, guidance and education functions. She has had extensive experience leading significant pieces of regulatory reform and their effective implementation. Bronwyn’s earlier careers included leadership roles within the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment and the former Ministry of Economic Development.
Bronwyn has a strong background in regulatory policy with a particular interest in regulatory stewardship and effective regulatory design. She takes on the role from Kirstie Hewlett, whom Ichor recently appointed as the new Chief Executive of Maritime New Zealand.
We congratulate Bronwyn on her appointment.
New Zealand Institute of Economic Research
Chief Executive
Ichor is extremely happy to announce the appointment of Jason Shoebridge to lead the New Zealand Institute of Economic Research (NZIER). He has just started in his new role, effective September 2021. Jason will replace the outgoing CE of seven years, Laurence Kubiak, who is leaving to pursue his own governance interests.
Jason is a former Chief Executive and highly experienced and versatile leader. Most recently, he was Chief Executive of Kantar Insight New Zealand, one of the country’s largest insights and analytics businesses. Kantar, which includes Colmar Brunton, has clients in all sectors of the New Zealand economy, and has some of New Zealand’s largest and most important corporate and public sector organisations in its portfolio.
Qualified with an MBA and a Bachelor of Commerce, Jason majored in Economics and Finance from the University of Auckland. He is a Chartered Accountant and a member of the Institute of Directors.
We wish Jason all the very best in his new role.
Te Uru Rākau - New Zealand Forest Service, Ministry for Primary Industries
Deputy Director-General
It is with great pleasure Ichor Leadership Search announce the appointment of Jason Wilson to the position of Deputy Director-General – Te Uru Rākau (New Zealand Forest Service) at the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI).
As the current Director – Sector Investments within Te Uru Rākau, Jason leads the development of the Industry Transformation Plan for the forestry and wood processing sector, partnering with multiple Government agencies and stakeholders.
Prior to joining MPI, Jason spent over twenty-seven years in the commercial sector, holding various leadership roles in the forest and wood products industries largely in Australia. This included nine years in the leadership team of Carter Holt Harvey’s Australian business, where he led the corporate strategy for a cultural change programme across 2,500 employees.
Jason then held three General Manager roles across a range of Australian commercial entities with larger scale and complexity, with the most notable being the ASX-listed company Brickworks, a building products manufacturer.
Before making the decision to return to New Zealand in 2019, Jason was the Chief Operating Officer of Timberlink Australia, a forestry company that was part of a $5 billion investment fund, focussed on environmentally sustainable investments in the Asia-Pacific region and the USA.
Jason’s broad-based networks and commercial exposure, particularly across the Trans-Tasman forestry environment, will be invaluable for Te Uru Rākau’s next phase of development.
We congratulate Jason on his appointment.
Royal Society Te Apārangi
Chief Executive
Ichor Leadership Search is delighted to share the news of Paul Atkins’ appointment as the Chief Executive of the Royal Society Te Apārangi. Paul takes over the role from Dame Cindy Kiro (also appointed by Ichor), who has recently been announced as New Zealand’s next Governor-General.
The Royal Society Te Apārangi is the pre-eminent membership body for individuals across the science, technology and humanities disciplines, with an emphasis on promoting research and scholarly activity, and the pursuit of knowledge. Key areas of focus include public outreach, education and supporting the research community.
Paul is currently the Chief Executive of ZEALANDIA, a role he has held for the past six years, leading the organisation through a period of transformation, building its reputation, reach and impact, from local to global.
Prior to ZEALANDIA, Paul was Chief Executive of the National Energy Research Institute and has earlier held General Manager roles with the Foundation for Research, Science and Technology, Creative New Zealand, and the Arts Council of New Zealand. He has also chaired the Board of the MacDiarmid Institute over the past four years and is a Chartered Scientist, Chartered Physicist, and Fellow of the Chartered Management Institute.
Currently, Paul is also the Chair of The Hillary Institute of International Leadership and The Edmund Hillary Fellowship.
Congratulations on your appointment, Paul!
New Zealand King Salmon
Chief Financial Officer
Dual NZX and ASX listed company New Zealand King Salmon (NZKS) recently announced the appointment of Ben Rodgers as Chief Financial Officer, following an executive search conducted by Ichor Leadership Search.
As the country’s largest salmon farmer and the world’s largest producer of king salmon, NZKS has a 30-year history of farming this unique species. Over 7,000 tonnes of king salmon are harvested and processed annually, which are marketed through a variety of products, brands and channels, on and offshore.
Currently Ben is Deputy Chief Financial Officer at Kiwibank. He chairs the Bank’s Pricing Committee and is the management representative on Kiwibank’s Audit and Risk Committee.
He previously held the role of Deputy Chief Financial Officer at Z Energy. Ben led the financial and tax due diligence for the acquisition of Chevron New Zealand, which created over $1bn of shareholder value, and he subsequently led the finance integration into the Z Group.
Prior to this, Ben was Commercial Controller for Telefonica UK, and has earlier worked at Contact Energy, PwC and KPMG. Ben is a Chartered Accountant and graduate of Massey University.
Ben’s commercial acumen will no doubt support the successful realisation of the company’s Blue Endeavour plans for open ocean aquaculture.
Congratulations on your appointment Ben!
Racing Integrity Board
Chief Executive
Ichor Leadership Search is thrilled to announce the appointment of Mike Clement to the role of Chief Executive of the Racing Integrity Board.
Mike has been appointed the inaugural Chief Executive of the new independent Racing Integrity Board which will oversee the racing industry from 1 July 2021.
The Racing Integrity Board takes over the functions of the Racing Integrity Unit and the Judicial Control Authority for Racing, both of which will be disestablished as of 30 June 2021, with all employees transferring to the new Board.
Prior to his appointment, Mike served as Deputy Commissioner with the New Zealand Police, an organisation he served for 42 years until his retirement last year. Previously, Mike also served as the District Commander – Auckland City.
“The Board is delighted to have been able to secure a leader of Mike’s standing, experience and impeccable integrity,” says Sir Bruce Robertson, Chair of the Racing Integrity Board.
We congratulate Mike on his appointment and wish him all the best in this inaugural role.
Bragato Research Institute
Chief Executive
Ichor Leadership Search is excited to share the appointment of Jeffrey Clarke to the role of Chief Executive of Bragato Research Institute (BRI).
Jeffrey has been appointed to Chief Executive of BRI, having earlier undertaken the role on an interim basis in April, following the resignation of the previous Chief Executive.
BRI is the first Regional Research Institute for viticulture and oenology in New Zealand. It is wholly owned by New Zealand Winegrowers (NZW), the national organisation for the grape and wine sector with over 1,400 winery and grower members.
Prior to his appointment, Jeffrey was General Manager – Advocacy & General Counsel of BRI’s parent body NZW, since 2014. His work has included the original contracts to establish BRI, as well as ongoing advocacy and legal support for the research organisation. Jeffrey has also represented the New Zealand wine industry globally at international wine bodies such as the International Organisation of Vine and Wine and the World Wine Trade Group.
“I am delighted to confirm Jeffrey’s appointment. The Board believes this appointment will carry BRI forward in terms of meeting our strategic imperatives, continue the development of the great staff we have, and most importantly delivering science outcomes applicable to the vineyard and other aspects of wine making,” says Mark Gilbert, Chair of the BRI Board.
Jeffrey will divide his time between the BRI office in Blenheim and his home in Wellington, with travel to BRI’s other research sites.
Congratulations Jeffrey!
Transport Accident Investigation Commission
Chief Executive
Ichor Leadership Search is delighted to announce the appointment of Martin Sawyers to the role of Chief Executive of the Transport Accident Investigation Commission (TAIC).
Martin has held a range of senior leadership roles, most recently within two regulatory organisations in different sectors – as Chief Executive of the Plumbers, Gasfitters and Drainlayers Board for six years and previously, as Legal Counsel of the Real Estate Authority for five years.
In addition to leading major transformations that have been modelled on international regulatory best practices, Martin is a qualified lawyer who offers extensive legal expertise from across the commercial and public sectors. Over a three-year period, he also served as Buller District Council’s Mayor.
Martin’s broad-based judicial and regulatory exposure will be invaluable for TAIC’s future.
Congratulations on your appointment Martin!
Maritime New Zealand
Chief Executive
It is with great pleasure that Ichor Leadership Search announces the appointment of Kirstie Hewlett to the role of Chief Executive of Maritime New Zealand.
Kirstie has held a range of senior leadership roles aimed at improving regulatory frameworks and systems across the public sector.
As the Deputy Chief Executive – System and Regulatory Design at the Ministry of Transport, she developed strategic initiatives aimed at achieving key transport outcomes across environmental sustainability, economic prosperity, resilience and security. Kirstie also led the response to Covid-19 at a systemic level across the transport system.
Prior to this, Kirstie was the General Manager – Strategy and Performance at WorkSafe New Zealand, following an extensive career at the Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment where she led policy, research and evaluation functions in financial sector reform, telecommunications strategy and infrastructure, industry and regional development, and health and safety.
Kirstie’s broad-based networks and regulatory exposure particularly within the New Zealand transport sector will be invaluable for Maritime New Zealand’s next phase of development.
Congratulations Kirstie!
Cawthron Institute
Chief Executive
Ichor Leadership Search is excited to announce the appointment of Volker Kuntzsch to the role of Chief Executive of Cawthron Institute.
Volker has built a prominent international career within the seafood sector spanning 25 years. He was most recently the Chief Executive of New Zealand’s oldest and largest seafood company, Sanford, where he developed organisational capability, grew revenue and increased employee engagement.
Before he was drawn to Aotearoa, Volker spent five years with the Japanese marine products company, Nippon Suisan Kaisha, in various senior leadership roles, including Global Marketing Director and President of their North American business. His earlier career included leading a Namibian seafood company and working for multinational brands, such as Unilever, across Europe in a range of procurement and production leadership roles.
With proven strategic and commercial capabilities, complemented by strong people leadership credentials honed across multiple geographies, we wish Volker all the best as he leads Cawthron into its next phase of growth and development.
Congratulations on your appointment, Volker!
Inland Revenue
Chief Tax Counsel
We are delighted to announce the appointment of Michelle Redington to the position of Chief Tax Counsel at Inland Revenue (IR).
Michelle has a breadth of experience across both professional services and large corporate environments. Originally trained as a lawyer, she began her career at Minter Ellison Rudd Watts, before joining PwC and embarking on a 14-year career that saw her advise clients on both sides of the Tasman. Appointed as a Partner in 2012, Michelle took on the role of Co-Leader of PwC’s International Tax Practice. During this period, her roster of international clients included Apple, Google and other large multinational corporations.
Joining Air New Zealand in 2014 as Head of Taxation and Insurance, Michelle spent the past six-and-a-half years serving our national airline. In 2018, she was promoted to her last role within the organisation as General Manager – Group Shared Services and Taxation, working directly to the Chief Financial Officer and advising the Chief Executive.
As a proven strategic leader who understands client-oriented environments coupled with credibility across tax law, Michelle will play a significant role in leading IR’s Tax Counsel Office as well as addressing complex tax issues and their relevance for the New Zealand economy.
Congratulations Michelle!
It is with great pleasure that Ichor Leadership Search announces the appointment of Steve Turnock as the new Director of DCM.
Formerly known as the Downtown Community Ministry, DCM primarily works with and supports Wellington’s most marginalised people through their journey towards sustainable housing and wellbeing.
Of Ngāi Tahu descent, Steve has worked within the social sector for both government and NGOs for the past 20 years within Christchurch, Porirua and Wellington.
As the current General Manager – Operations of the Porirua Whānau Centre (one of six Family Social Service Centres in New Zealand), Steve oversees social workers, counsellors, early childhood centre staff, a youth team and a family violence prevention group. In addition, he manages the social housing portfolio providing sustainable housing for whānau in the Porirua region.
Having led projects such as the Whānau Ora Education Initiative and the Porirua Tiaki Tangata Violence Prevention Collective, Steve has also successfully cultivated numerous partnerships with local Iwi, community service providers and public sector organisations.
We congratulate Steve on this appointment and wish him all the best, as he leads DCM into its next phase of growth and development.
Building and Construction Industry Training Organisation (BCITO)
Chief Executive
Ichor Leadership Search is thrilled to share the news of Toby Beaglehole’s appointment as the new Chief Executive of BCITO.
In his current role as Chief Executive of Connexis, Toby has been instrumental in managing the Reform of Vocational Education (RoVE) for the organisation. Earlier in his corporate career, Toby led New Zealand Oil Services, a joint venture between BP and Z Energy. Prior to this, he held General Manager roles at New Zealand Post with accountability for (amongst other areas) postal deliveries, during a period of significant decrease in mail volumes and organisational restructuring.
Previously, Toby led the corporate development and risk & compliance portfolios within a large infrastructure investment fund, where he grew the port, energy and transport infrastructure assets. With a broad leadership background that spans the infrastructure, oil and gas, public and the industry training sectors, we congratulate Toby as he commences his new role.
New Zealand Police
Director - Office of the Commissioner
Ichor Leadership Search is delighted to announce the appointment of Maria Rawiri to the role of Director – Office of the Commissioner at New Zealand Police.
Maria brings extensive knowledge of the justice sector, having previously held General Manager and Sector Manager roles at the Ministry of Justice and the Office of the Auditor-General respectively. Developing a bird’s eye view of the public sector throughout her career, Maria’s previous third-tier role at Oranga Tamariki focussed on the establishment of the organisation’s assurance and governance functions.
With a wide range of experience that complements her new role, Maria will work closely with the Commissioner and the Executive Leadership Team to provide high-level advice to enable critical decision making. This will allow New Zealand Police to continue to nurture well-rounded relationships with key stakeholders across government.
Congratulations on your appointment, Maria.
WorkSafe New Zealand
General Manager - Operations
WorkSafe New Zealand welcomes Pelin Fantham as General Manager – Operations, following the executive search by Ichor Leadership Search.
Pelin offers a deep and credible leadership background at Maritime New Zealand (MNZ). With expertise across safety, regulation and compliance areas, Pelin has been instrumental in leading MNZ’s frontline operations, stakeholder relationships, change initiatives and modern regulatory evolvement over the 12-year period she has spent within the organisation.
As part of a two-year secondment, Pelin most recently held the role of Deputy Director – Compliance Systems Delivery, reporting directly to MNZ’s Chief Executive as a member of the Senior Leadership Team. In this capacity, Pelin led over eighty frontline staff across the country with responsibility for delivering improved safety outcomes for the broader maritime sector.
We congratulate Pelin on her new role.
Sport New Zealand
Chief Executive
Ichor Leadership Search is extremely excited to announce the appointment of Raelene Castle to the role of Chief Executive at Sport New Zealand.
As the first female leader appointed to head this national sporting body, Raelene will play a key role in protecting the strength and integrity of New Zealand’s sporting sector.
Having previously been the Chief Executive of Rugby Australia and Netball New Zealand, Raelene offers considerable leadership experience in sports administration, both in New Zealand and Australia. Earlier, she enjoyed a fifteen-year commercial career, holding various leadership roles for some of New Zealand’s leading banking and telecommunications organisations.
Raelene’s well-known drive for supporting diversity and engagement across multiple sectors will prove invaluable in driving Sport New Zealand onwards and upwards.
We congratulate Raelene as she commences her new role effective December 2020.
Royal Society Te Apārangi
Chief Executive
Ichor Leadership Search is very pleased to announce the appointment of Professor Cynthia (Cindy) Kiro as the new Chief Executive of Royal Society Te Apārangi.
Cindy is currently the Pro-Vice Chancellor – Māori at the University of Auckland. Of Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Kahu and Ngāti Hine descent, she has been instrumental in nurturing a positive Māori profile within the university, developing and leading programmes working closely with the Vice-Chancellor, Māori staff, students and the wider community.
Previously, Cindy was Chair of Kia Piki Ake Welfare Expert Advisory Group and was New Zealand’s fourth Children’s Commissioner. During her time in this role, she established the Taskforce for Action on Family Violence – the largest ever response to family violence. Earlier, Cindy was Head of the School of Public Health at Massey University and a former head of Te Kura Māori at Victoria University of Wellington.
We congratulate Cindy on this appointment. She is set to start her new role in March 2021.
Engineering New Zealand
Chief Executive
Ichor Leadership Search is delighted to announce the appointment of Richard Templer to the role of Chief Executive at Engineering New Zealand.
Richard will lead a membership organisation that will continue to advance the engineering profession and deliver greater value, credibility, and recognition for its 22,000-plus members.
As the current Chief Executive of Manawatū District Council, Richard has led significant cultural, strategic and operational change initiatives that have lifted engagement and elevated the organisation across many levels.
Richard’s earlier professional grounding is in the engineering industry, with subsequent experience within the science and innovation sector. His earlier career spans both central and local government, along with industry body leadership roles.
We congratulate Richard on his appointment. He will commence this new role in November 2020.
New Zealand Infrastructure Commission
Chief Executive
It is with great pleasure that Ichor Leadership Search announces the appointment of Ross Copland as the new Chief Executive of the New Zealand Infrastructure Commission – Te Waihanga.
Ross offers a career spanning design, procurement, financing, and infrastructure delivery portfolios. Commencing as an engineer, he progressed through various asset management roles and led in Chief Executive positions across property and facilities, real estate and construction sectors.
With proven strategic leadership capability, coupled with credibility across the infrastructure industry, Ross will play a key role in developing solutions to inspire New Zealand’s infrastructure landscape.
Congratulations on your appointment, Ross.
Local Government New Zealand
Chief Executive
Ichor Leadership Search is excited to announce the appointment of Susan Freeman-Greene as the new Chief Executive of Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ).
Susan is currently the Chief Executive of Engineering New Zealand, where she has been effective in lifting the relevance and credibility of the 22,000-member peak industry body.
Prior to this, Susan was Chief Executive of the Broadcasting Standards Authority. Earlier, she held executive roles with the Human Rights Commission and the former Department of Labour. Susan offers experience across legal, compliance, relationship and advocacy arenas, coupled with a strong engagement style.
We congratulate Susan on this appointment. She commences her new role in September 2020.
Real Estate Authority
Chief Executive
The Real Estate Authority (REA) welcomes new Chief Executive Belinda Moffat, following the executive search by Ichor Leadership Search.
As the former Chief Executive of Broadcasting Standards Authority, Belinda brings strong regulatory leadership with diverse sector experience across media, arts and culture, and the banking and finance industries.
Belinda is also a qualified lawyer with broad legal expertise from her career in private and public sector roles in New Zealand and overseas.
She will commence her new role in September 2020.
Congratulations Belinda.
WorkSafe New Zealand
General Manager - Business Performance and Finance
Ichor Leadership Search is pleased to announce the recent appointment of Allan Frost to General Manager – Business Performance and Finance with WorkSafe New Zealand.
With over 20 years’ experience in both private and public sector leadership and executive roles, Allan has led a range of functions, including legal, risk & assurance, programme delivery, ICT, planning and performance, and finance.
Prior to joining WorkSafe, Allan held executive roles at a range of organisations, including GNS Science, the New Zealand Transport Agency, Ministry of Agriculture and Audit New Zealand.
Congratulations Allan on your new role.
General Manager – Consultancy Services
We are pleased to announce the recent appointment of Mike Evans to the role of General Manager – Consultancy Services at BRANZ.
Mike will lead a specialist team focused on building value for the organisation’s clients and the wider industry.
He has held various senior leadership positions across the local government, construction and manufacturing sectors. Mike offers considerable commercial experience coupled with direct exposure to leading consultancy services and technical teams of various dimensions.
As the former General Manager – City Infrastructure at Porirua City Council, Mike led the Water and Waste, Transport, Property and Operation Support portfolios. His earlier career comprised of leadership roles encompassing business development, communications and project management.
Congratulations on your appointment, Mike.
WorkSafe New Zealand
Ichor Leadership Search is delighted to announce the appointment of Phil Parkes to the role of Chief Executive of WorkSafe New Zealand.
As the current Chief Operating Officer, Phil leads WorkSafe’s Operations Group of over 300 staff, including High Hazards, Energy and Public Safety, Health and Safety Innovation, Operational Excellence, General Inspectorate, Specialist Interventions, and Health and Technical Services.
Phil also brings extensive regulatory and leadership experience from previous roles in local and central government in New Zealand and the United Kingdom. Prior to joining WorkSafe, Phil was General Manager – Policy and Legal with the Environmental Protection Authority, where he led the implementation of a new regulatory framework.
The Chair of WorkSafe New Zealand, Ross Wilson, said, “Phil has provided excellent operational leadership within the organisation and the Board is confident he has the knowledge, vision and skills to lead WorkSafe as Chief Executive.”
Phil will replace Nicole Rosie who is taking on the role of Chief Executive at the New Zealand Transport Agency.
He takes on his new role in January 2020.
Glen Dimplex
Ichor Leadership Search is thrilled to announce the appointment of Mike Daish to the role of Managing Director – New Zealand for Glen Dimplex.
Mike brings deep international experience from his sixteen years with Dyson Appliances. He progressed steadily to the Executive Leadership team level working with the Chief Executive, Owner, and Board, eventually becoming a Global Manager– Business to Business for Dyson Global. Earlier, his career traversed five and then eight years respectively with Monaco Corporation and then Robinson Industries across wholesale, consumer, retail and specifier channels.
Returning to New Zealand in 2016, Mike has been involved with independent mentoring and consulting activities across various growth companies. Mike’s career accomplishments in achieving profitable business growth, expanding portfolios and developing strategic decisions around category management will be valuable in his new journey leading Glen Dimplex New Zealand.
Please join us in congratulating Mike on his new role.
Police Credit Union
Joe Bishop has been appointed Chief Executive of the Police Credit Union following an executive search conducted by Ichor Leadership Search.
Currently the Chief Customer Officer at Kiwi Wealth, this new role will see Joe leave the business following an eight-year stint with the government-owned investment firm.
Starting out as Head of Wealth Products, Joe joined the-then Kiwibank operation in 2012 just before the government-owned institution bought the Gareth Morgan KiwiSaver and investment business (GMI). When Kiwibank spun the GMI business into a new separate entity, Kiwi Wealth, Joe took on the role of Head of Retail Wealth and Marketing at Kiwi Wealth.
He subsequently held various titles within the Kiwi Wealth hierarchy, culminating in his current role.
Prior to joining Kiwibank, Joe served for almost three years as Head of Smartshares – emigrating from the United Kingdom for the job.
At the Police Credit Union, he will be in charge of a savings and lending business with assets of about $130 million.
Joe will start his new role in April 2020.
WorkSafe New Zealand
Ichor Leadership Search is proud to announce the appointment of Kevin Lampen-Smith as General Manager – External Strategy and Engagement of WorkSafe New Zealand.
Kevin is currently the Chief Executive of the Real Estate Authority (REA), the independent government agency that regulates the New Zealand real estate industry. During his time at the REA, Kevin has developed a new customer-focused strategy for the Authority including the introduction of a new consumer website and developing anti-money laundering practices by working closely with the Department of Internal Affairs.
Prior to this role, which he has held for over eight years, Kevin worked with the Electricity Authority in a range of senior leadership positions, initially as Chief Financial Officer and then as General Manager – Corporate Services.
As a qualified chartered accountant, Kevin has worked across the regulatory and consumer roles for many years, and prior to the Electricity Authority, was a part of the New Zealand Historic Places Trust.
Kevin takes on his new role in May 2020.
WorkSafe New Zealand
Ichor Leadership Search is pleased to announce the appointment of Glenda Harvey as General Manager People, Culture and Safety for WorkSafe New Zealand.
Glenda has over 25 years senior management experience in human resources, organisational culture/capability development, health and safety, and governance roles within the manufacturing, construction and health sectors.
Her prior experience involved a longstanding career at Holcim where she worked in New Zealand and Australia across a wide range of leadership roles. As a previous New Zealand Country Manager, Glenda was engaged in modernising Holcim’s approach to health and safety and supported the business as it moved into a significant growth phase.
Please join us in welcoming Glenda to her new role.
Civil Aviation Authority
We are delighted to announce the appointment of Dean Winter to the role of Deputy Chief Executive – Performance and Monitoring.
In his current role, Dean’s mandate and focus has been to significantly lift the Tertiary Education Commission’s monitoring and compliance function, across a range of tertiary organisations, including universities, Wananga, industry training organisations and polytechnics, which receive over $3 billion of Crown funding each year.
Most recently, he has been involved in the development of a framework to create oversight of the Reform of Vocational Education programme, one of the largest pan-sector transformation programmes seen in New Zealand.
Previously, Dean spent over three years improving the transparency and oversight of the public prosecution service at Crown Law. His earlier career spans senior regulatory roles across both public and private sectors, as well as almost a decade spent working with the New Zealand Police.
Dean starts his new role in February 2020.
Civil Aviation Authority
Mahanga Maru has been appointed to the role of Deputy Chief Executive – Stakeholder and Sector Engagement, following the search by Ichor Leadership Search.
Mahanga has previously held senior leadership roles at board, chief executive and senior management level across the public and private sectors. He has consulted widely on Maori strategy and specialises in developing stakeholder relationships, while also providing cultural training, policy advice and coaching to a range of clients including Ministries, Crown entities, regional councils, private energy companies and iwi organisations. Mahanga has also been called on as an expert witness on infrastructure projects.
He starts his new role in February 2020.
Civil Aviation Authority
It is with pleasure that Ichor Leadership Search announce the appointment of Shelley Turner to the role of Deputy Chief Executive – Organisational Development and Support.
Previously at the Security Intelligence Service (SIS), Shelley led an organisational transformation programme as a member of the senior leadership team. She has also managed the agency’s Corporate Services area previously. Shelley’s earlier career as a public servant includes time spent at the State Services Commission and leading the Human Resources area at the Civil Aviation Authority.
Shelley starts in her new role effective February 2020.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Ichor Leadership Search is thrilled to announce the appointment of Deborah Geels to the role of Deputy Chief Executive – Multilateral and Legal Affairs for Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
Deborah is a career diplomat and ‘foreign service generalist’ who joined MFAT in 1986. Since then her career has progressed within the Ministry through a number of positions focusing on multilateral work, the Pacific Islands, Asia and development assistance.
Her exposure to working strategically on a range of multilateral issues is considerable, having been the Permanent Representative to the United Nations while in Vienna for four years from 2013, in parallel to being Ambassador to Austria, Hungary, Slovakia and Slovenia as well as senior level exposure to several critical FTA negotiations.
Please join us in congratulating Deborah on her new role.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Following an executive search by Ichor Leadership Search, we are pleased to announce the appointment of Audrey Sonerson to the role of Deputy Chief Executive – People and Operations for Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
Audrey has been with MFAT since July 2018. Her professional background blends policy, strategy and operational leadership experience. As a previous Deputy Commissioner at New Zealand Police, Audrey led approximately 1,000 staff across most of the organisation’s corporate functions. This included oversight of the Royal New Zealand Police College, Risk and Assurance, Information and Communications Technology Service Centre, Legal Services and other portfolios.
Her experience also offers exposure to pan sector and whole-of-system leadership having worked at the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education, Treasury and operated at second tier for Ministry of Justice.
Please join us in congratulating Audrey on her new role.
Tertiary Education Commission
Mathew Pawley has been appointed to the role of Deputy Chief Executive, Information Directorate for Tertiary Education Commission, following a search by Ichor Leadership Search.
Mathew has relished more than five years contributing in the tertiary sector as Executive Director – Digital Services and Enterprise Projects for Open Polytechnic of New Zealand. With over 450 staff, Mathew led a team that improved the infrastructure, digital services and information management provided for over 32,000 students.
Having earlier worked within other arenas including Health, State Owned Enterprise and large Crown organisations, Mathew has a good understanding of the importance and complexities of the information needs, particularly within New Zealand’s tertiary sector.
He will commence his new role in February 2020. Congratulations Mathew.
Ministry of Defence
Michael Swain has been appointed to the role of Deputy Secretary – Defence Policy and Planning for Ministry of Defence, following conclusion of the search by Ichor Leadership Search.
Michael has had a deep and significant career within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade over the past 25 years with postings to Beijing, New Delhi, Shanghai as Consul-General and Madrid as Ambassador. As a former Deputy Director for the International Security and Disarmament division, Michael worked across defence capability work which had him leading foreign policy engagement on defence policy. He will commence his new journey in leading the Ministry’s Defence Policy and Planning division in February 2020.
Please join us in congratulating Michael on his new role.
Ministry of Justice
Ichor Leadership Search is delighted to announce the appointment of Tim Hampton to Deputy Chief Executive – Sector for Ministry of Justice.
Tim brings senior executive experience in a range of senior economic and social policy leadership roles across Australia and New Zealand. Following an earlier career with Reserve Bank of New Zealand, Reserve Bank of Australia and the New Zealand Treasury, Tim worked at New South Wales Department of Premier and Cabinet, where he was responsible for Health and Education policy and leading negotiations with the Australian Government.
We welcome Tim back home, and congratulate him on his new role at Ministry of Justice.
Ministry of Justice
Ichor Leadership Search is pleased to announce the appointment of Anouk Alexander as Deputy Secretary – Strategy, Governance and Finance for Ministry of Justice.
Anouk brings an experienced executive background to her new role. Her former roles included General Manager – Strategy for New Zealand Trade and Enterprise, and Deputy Chief Executive – Organisational Governance at the Ministry of Social Development. Anouk also previously spent eight years as a management consultant with PwC.
With a blend of private and public sector exposure in strategic consulting environments and across committed leadership positions, Anouk will now play a key role in shaping the Ministry’s overall strategic direction.
Please join us in congratulating Anouk on her new role.
Ministry of Justice
It is with delight that Ichor Leadership Search announce the appointment of Tina Wakefield to Deputy Secretary – Corporate & Digital Services for Ministry of Justice.
Following her 18 year career within the private sector, Tina became a committed public service leader and developed a strong sense of cross-government co-operation through her time at the Department of Internal Affairs where she led development of the All-Of-Government online strategy and now at the Ministry of Justice.
Tina joined the Ministry in 2014 as a Chief Information Officer. She has led the Government ICT Supply Management Office and was also responsible for IT service management and assurance, security and risk.
She commences her new role in August 2019. Congratulations Tina.
Kiwi Insurance
It is with pleasure that Ichor Leadership Search announce the appointment of a new Independent Director for Kiwi Insurance, Michelle van Gaalen.
Michelle has worked locally and internationally across a range of service-based industries. She has operated at the Chief Executive level and has previously led teams with of over 2,000 staff.
Michelle also has a deep governance background in parallel with her executive career, with more than one-and-a-half decades spent in a variety of governance roles which span across banking, consumer finance and funds management arenas.
Michelle will commence as an Independent Director in November 2019.
Smarte Carte
Ichor Leadership Search is thrilled to announce the appointment of Louise Hayes as the new General Manager of Smarte Carte New Zealand.
Louise was previously the North Island Operations Manager for Thrifty Car Rental. Prior to taking up that role, Louise held senior leadership roles with a major car rental company. Earlier, she spent several years in Australia managing national accounts for a range of organisations across the automotive industry.
Please join us in congratulating Louise on her new role which she commences in August 2019.